Your doctor has ordered a nuclear medicine scan to evaluate your kidneys. Please follow these simple instructions, so that we may best serve you.

  1. Adequate hydration is required for this exam. Please drink 16 ounces of water 1-2 hours before your appointment time.
  2. Fasting is not required for this exam.
  3. Report to the Radiology department 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment to allow time for check-in.
  4. When you arrive, you will be asked to use the bathroom to empty your bladder.
  5. An I.V. will be placed in your arm and you will receive an injection of a radioactive material to help visualize your kidneys.
  6. You will be positioned laying down on the scanner table. Your exam takes approximately 45 minutes to complete. Halfway through the exam, you will be given 40 mg of Lasix. Please inform the technologist if you are allergic to Lasix (Furosemide).
  7. You are able to resume normal activities once you are discharged from our department, but we ask that you continue to hydrate throughout the rest of your day.